I near High School graduation, and I'm as confident as can be with presenting. I'm used to the life inside as is, so displaying my senior project will be a breeze. Tomorrow (Friday afternoon) I will be completing my final task to attend the ceremony, and receive my diploma. Achieving this feels more like a relief than something to be proud of. The last three years have not been my best performance, but have been the most difficult. My parents struggle together, my mother losing her strength, the family troubles, the constant pressure from school, a past relationship that ended bitter sweet, and having to take more responsibility than ever to keep my world going has exhausted my well being. In spite of my personal troubles, I have turned to my friends, hobbies, my significant other, and sibling to challenge myself, and remain sane as best I can. Many choices were made that I felt were mistakes, but others thought was right. As right as they were I still never wanted to make those decisions.
There's the little things online I've done too that were unnecessary, and done in the spur of the moment, but that taught me some too. I've got a lack of control over many things. It's really upsetting when things don't go the best possible way. I always try to act like everything is okay, and deny it every time I think to myself that it's not. The household I grew up in taught me to suck up a lot, and deal with problems up front without asking for help. Having to heavily rely on myself made it difficult to express my feelings, and learn who I am.
Mom, dad, I know you weren't the best, but you are my only mother and father. To my ex, I still don't know why you did that to him, but hopefully you call yourself stupid for doing it. To my teachers, I am glad you held out for me. To my current friends including the ones that I neglect to talk to all the time. Just sticking around means a lot to me. To my Taekwando master, I do apologize for neglecting to do the regular exercise lately.
Already getting self-conscious about saying too much.
TL;DR I'm worn out, and I am grateful to be where I am. I made it, so thank you very much.
Wholesome :)